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Character of Workers Important to Success of Business

by Ron Kurtus (revised 22 May 2016)

The character of a company's workers is important to the success of the business. This includes their attitudes toward their work, toward others in the company, and toward company regulations.

Workers with negative character traits can bring down a company, while those who have positive traits can build up the company.

You want to hire workers with good character. But also, having a positive work environment will help improve the character of all involved.

Questions you may have include:

This lesson will answer those questions.

Attitudes toward work

The attitudes of workers toward their jobs is important in the ability for a business to profit.

Some employees have negative attitudes toward the work they are required to do, such that they hate what they are doing. These workers will often be careless in their work. They may even do damage to machinery or the product.

They do not give you your money's worth for their pay, because they often slack off. Many have poor attendance records, which affects getting work done.

There are also workers who have drinking or drug habits, are always late or have other negative personal character traits.

Charlie had a poor attitude toward work. His main interest was in betting on sporting events, and he would spend a lot of time on his job, talking to other like-minded workers.

The company had a big order to fill, so everyone was told to put in an extra effort to get the job done on time. However, Charlie didn't care to be rushed, so he just took his time doing his tasks.

The order was not filled on time, and the company had to pay a penalty, as stated in the contract.

Workers with negative character traits affect the company's profits and even customer relations.

However, there are also employees enjoy their work and are conscientious about what they are doing. These employees show positive character traits toward the work they do. They provide value to the company and affect its profits.

With the down economy, Pete was glad to get a job. He also saw some potential in moving up the ladder in the company, so he put out an extra effort. Part of his effort was also due to the fact that he liked to be proud of his work.

Obviously, you want employees who have such positive attitudes and personal character traits.

Honesty and relations with others

Theft, arguments, fights among workers can be damaging to the operation of a business. Good character is important for a company to run smoothly.

Some workers are unreliable. Others are dishonest and may even steal from the company or other workers. Some workers are abusive or insulting to others. They create a negative atmosphere in the company. These negative character traits can cause losses in goods or time.

Susan was doing the accounting for a small non-profit company that helped the handicapped. On weekends, she liked to go to the casinos. Soon, she started diverting funds from the company to help pay for her gambling debts.

When she was finally arrested for embezzling, Susan had almost ruined the business and prevented many of the handicapped from receiving needed services.

Yet, there are workers who are honest and helpful. They work to build the company.

Following company policy

Many companies have employee manuals as a guide to expected behavior. Company policies include many rules concerning character and behavior that are necessary for the company to run effectively.

Most workers try to follow the rules the best they can. However, there are some people who have negative attitudes toward following orders or company regulations.

Worker attitude toward company rules can be affected by the cultural atmosphere of the company. If workers realize that management has character, they will usually try to emulate the same type of character.


The character of a company's workers is important to the success of the business. This includes their attitude toward their work, toward others in the company, and toward company regulations.

You want to hire workers with good character. But also, having a positive work environment will help improve the character of all involved.

Have a good workforce

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Ron Kurtus' Credentials


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Character of Workers Important to Success of Business

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Character is important

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