Succeed in Education
by Ron Kurtus (updated 22 January 2022)
To succeed in education means being able to provide knowledge and understanding to young people and students, as well as guiding them through the learning process. It is an essential factor in the success of a community. A society that has well-educated citizens has the potential of excelling.
Besides educating others, it is imporant to educate yourself in the various areas of your career and in life. Education beyond the classroom is also important for students.
There is a need for people who can effectively develop and deliver educational material. Your knowledge and skills in this area can help you advance your career or improve society. Also, education can be a satisfying profession, especially when you see the results of your work. The teaching of children—as well as adults—is an important task, and it should be done with excellence in mind.
The purpose of these free online lessons is to give you a start at improving your educational skills.
Education Contents
Initial considerations
Delivering education
Computer Delivery of Educational Material
Sound Amplification System May Help Students Learn
Improving Student Performance by Eliminating Texting and Cell Phones
Education applications
Program to Teach Character to Students
School Administrators Run Amok
Teaching Values with Aesop's Fables
Teaching the Virtues by William J. Bennett
Dealing with Death of a Kindergarten Classmate
Using Games for Instruction (coming soon)
Dealing with Personalities (coming soon)
Getting an Educational Discount on Software
Tricks for Good Grades - for students