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Harness Your Hyperactivity

by Ron Kurtus (updated 28 February 2022)

Although some students can exhibit high energy, especially when doing something they enjoy, there are others whose energy level is at an extreme, such that they are hyperactive.

Such a student may have a very short attention span, be impulsive and have difficulty engaging in activities with others because they have difficulty waiting for their turn and often interrupt or intrude upon others. This type of behavior is called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD.

In some cases ADHD requires medical attention, but in many situations if you recognize that you exhibit these characteristics, you can harness that excess energy to your benefit. If that behavior is not controlled, it can result in serious consequences for you in school and your social life.

There are some simple methods to help to harness your hyperactivity.

Questions you may have include:

This lesson will answer those questions.

You can excel if hyperactivity is managed

Students who learn to manage or control their hyperactive behavior and to harness that energy and creativity can excel in school, their social life and their careers.

Energy can be harnessed

These students have the energy and drive to accomplish many things at once, while other students are struggling to do one thing at a time. Hyperactive or impulsive students are often more curious, which causes them to be easily distracted. They can be more creative, because their mind is always searching for different possibilities and ideas.

Some leaders considered hyperactive

Many leaders and entrepreneurs who start their own businesses were once considered hyperactive. Through great self-discipline they were able to control their excessive behaviors and transform them into the energy and creativity needed for greatness.

Consequences of uncontrolled behavior

Students who don't learn to manage hyperactive behavior may suffer unpleasant consequences in school and later in life. See if you recognize some of these consequences.

Silly mistakes can mean poor grades

Students who are hyperactive and don't pay attention may be prone to make silly mistakes in tests or homework. They may forget to do required assignments or even do the wrong one. Also, they may often lose their homework, books, or other necessary items.

Can irritate people

Inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsiveness can result in serious social problems. Some students can irritate teachers and fellow students by talking out of turn in class, answering someone else's question, or simply being disruptive in class.

People don't like always being interrupted. Such students may end up getting poor grades and not having many—or any—friends. Such behavioral excesses can make it difficult to make and keep friendships.

Don't get good jobs

Later on in their lives, this uncontrolled behavior can result in them not getting the good jobs or pay that they should, according to their intellectual ability or skills. They may even lose their jobs due to poor job performance, attention and organizational problems, or relationship difficulties. Other times, they may simply quit out of boredom.

Can get depressed

Problems in this area can lead to loneliness, low self-esteem and depression.

But don't get discouraged, if you had some of these excessive behaviors. There are ways to harness your energy productively.

Ways to control and harness your energy

Following are some ideas on how to control your tendency to get distracted, to make silly mistakes, or to be hyperactive or impulsive and to turn that energy into creative and useful forces:

  1. First of all, become motivated to improve yourself
  2. Next, be aware of what you do that causes problems
  3. Then, use tricks to harness your energy
  4. Finally, acknowledge your good behavior

Become motivated to improve yourself

Identify your areas of strength. By focusing on these areas, you can develop the confidence and skills to tackle other, difficult situations. If you realize the consequences of being impulsive or forgetful, then you can be motivated to use some tricks to manage your forgetfulness.

You must make a commitment to adapt your behavior and set a goal of increased performance. You must attempt to manage inappropriate or damaging behavior.

Who wants to always goof up or to feel that people don't like you? It is tough to change, but if you feel you have such a problem, you just have to set your mind on controlling yourself.

Be aware of what you do that causes problems

Be aware of behavior you don't think is good, that causes problems for you, or that turns off other people. Are there things you seem to be always doing—like losing things or getting bored? Do other students seem not to like to talk to you? Are you always interrupting other people when they are talking?

Analyze what you do and perhaps make a list of some of these traits that may be causing you trouble. Once you are aware of what you are doing, it is much easier to correct your problems and to improve the way you act.

Use tricks to harness your energy

There are a number of ideas to try to harness your energy and to control any excessive behavior you may have.

Break projects into small parts

Since you are able to do several things at once, use that ability to your advantage. If you have a large project to do, break it into little pieces and do several of those smaller tasks at once—making sure you complete each of them. This way, you don't get bored or sidetracked from the larger project, and soon the little, completed pieces will add up to the whole project being completed.

If you can complete several things at once, be proud of the fact. Juggle your activities effectively, but don't let things go undone.

Take notes in class, along with ideas

In class, you can take notes of the important facts that the teacher is explaining. This skill is very useful when you are in college. But since your mind is so active, assign an area on your notepaper for other ideas, inventions, doodles or such. You may have to let your teacher what you are doing, so she doesn't think you are goofing around. Or at least be careful about it.

I remember when I was in the 7th grade, I took down notes what the teacher was saying, but I also wrote ideas and doodled in the columns of my notepaper.

When my teacher saw that I had drawings of Superman and fast cars on my notepaper, he showed my notes to the class to try to embarrass me.

I just learned to be more careful with this teacher. I still got an A in the class.

Let others know about it

People like to help those who want to improve. If you have been having trouble because you are somewhat hyperactive, you can let your teachers, parents and friends know you are trying to manage and control being impulsive. This may be very hard to do, and it depends on how others will respond. At the very least, they should think more of you for trying to rectify any problems.

Answering questions in class or in discussions

Be careful not to dominate the discussion all the time. Cool it once in a while. Try to be considerate of others and let them give their opinions. It is tough to force yourself to listen to others and to pay attention, but it is a skill you should perfect. People don't like those who only talk and don't listen.

Taking tests

Thoroughly prepare for test. Try to be methodical. Learn to read faster, so you don't miss important information.

Doing homework

Since you seem to be able to do several things at once, you might try working on two homework assignments in tandem.

However, watching TV and trying to do homework is not effective, although some students can listen to the radio and still do their homework.

Give yourself a pat on the back

Praise yourself or "pat yourself on the back" when you complete a task or avoid a distraction.

If you catch yourself doing something negative, tell yourself the correct behavior to follow but don't put yourself down.


Examine yourself. If you have some of these hyperactive characteristics, think about correcting them, so you won't be making silly mistakes in school and turning off other people in the process.

Harness your energy and creativity and become a champion in school and in life.

You can be excellent

Resources and references

Ron Kurtus' Credentials


Good Grades Resources


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Top-rated books on Hyperactivity

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Harness Your Hyperactivity

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