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Overview of Getting Good Grades

by Ron Kurtus (updated 28 February 2022)

The lessons in the Getting Good Grades section consist of ideas, strategies, and tips that will help you succeed in school. The goal or purpose of the material is to get you on the path for excelling in school and in getting good grades, while still allowing you to have time for fun activities. It also provides you with the attitudes to have that will help you become a champion in what you do.

I've learned about how to do well in school from my own experiences and from observing top students. My personal goal is that you will also become a top student.

Questions you may have include:

This lesson will answer those questions.

Logical progression for getting good grades

Getting Good Grades is broken into major topic areas that provide a logical progression of the subject:

  1. Seek good grades
  2. Learn in class
  3. Do your homework
  4. Know how to take tests
  5. Know how to deal with teachers
  6. Overcome problems in school
  7. Have champion attitudes

Details of topics

Seeking good grades

The main concept is that you want to consider all the factors involved in getting good grades, such that you optimize your efforts in those areas. Another big concept is that you want to concentrate on getting things done—in other words: zip through your homework—so that you have time for fun.

Learning in class

You want to take in and absorb the information you receive in school. For example, when your teacher or professor lectures and provides information about the subject matter, it is not only important to listen carefully, but it is also a good practice to take notes.

Being able to read quickly and being able to speak in from of the class are a few of the special skills included in the lessons. You can also learn from observing and from teaching others.

There are additional methods to help you learn, such as teaching others and expanding your horizons. These are often helpful to you.

Doing your homework

My philosophy is to do your homework in the most efficient and effective way possible. Some students spend too much time on their homework, primarily because they allow interruptions. Others procrastinate and put off doing it until the last minute.

Taking tests

It is important to not only know the material but also to be good at taking tests. It is a special skill in itself and important, since much of your grade depends on how well you do in tests. Not only must you know how to take tests, but you should also be ready to do your best in the exam.

Dealing with teachers

Teachers are who determines what grade you get. Being on the good side of the teacher helps boost up your grades. Even when the teacher is unlikable, you don't want to "cut your own throat" by getting the teacher angry at you.

Problems in school

Sometimes school and life can be a hassle. You might be bullied in school, live in a bad environment, have trouble concentrating, or be hyperactive. You can learn to cope and even overcome these challenges.

Having champion attitudes

School is about gaining knowledge and skills. You also need good attitudes toward your health, the work you do, other people, and your character. This makes you a complete person, who can do just about anything—in other words: a champion.

Using the material

The biggest thing for you is to apply the material in these lessons, especially in areas where you have problems. Reading through the various lessons can give you ideas of how to improve. But then you actually need to apply what you have learned.

The material is also available as a hardcopy book and as an e-book.


Getting Good Grades consists of ideas, strategies, and tips that will help you succeed in school. The goal or purpose of the material is to get you on the path for excelling in school and getting good grades, while still allowing you to have time for fun activities. It also gives you the attitudes to have that will help you become a champion in what you do.

My personal goal is that you will also become a top student.

Set your goals

Resources and references

Ron Kurtus' Credentials


Good Grades Resources


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School for Champions

Getting Good Grades

Overview of Getting Good Grades

Good Grades topics

Seeking good grades

Absorbing information

Dealing with teachers

Doing your homework

Using important skills

Knowing how to take tests

Problems in school

Having champion attitudes

Misc. tools

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