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Mini-Quiz: Doppler Effect for Waveforms

by Ron Kurtus

Take this Mini-Quiz to check your understanding of the lesson material.

1. Why doesn't the speed of the waveform change when the source is moving?

The speed of the wave is constant with respect to the medium in which it travels

The speed does increase or decrease, and that causes the wavelength to change

It is impossible to measure the speed when the source is moving

2. When would you hear the actual pitch of the siren of a moving ambulance?

When it is too far away to see

You could never hear the actual pitch

At the moment it passes by you

3. How can astronomers tell which galaxies are moving away the fastest?

The faster the galaxy moves away, the more the light is shifted toward the blue

The faster the galaxy moves away, the more the light is shifted toward the red

The galaxy looks like a blur in the telescope

If you got all three correct, you are on your way to becoming a Champion in Physics. If you had problems, you had better look over the material again.

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Mini-Quiz: Doppler Effect for Waveforms

Wave Motion topics


Doppler Effect

Sound waves

Electromagnetic waves

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