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Mini-Quiz: Summary of Doppler Effect Equations

by Ron Kurtus

Take this Mini-Quiz to check your understanding of the lesson material.

1. What is the general Doppler Effect equation for wavelength?

λO = λS(c − vS)/(c − vO)

λO = λS(c + vS)/(c + vO)

λS = λO(c − vS)/(c − vO)

2. What is the general Doppler Effect equation for the change in frequency?

Δf = fS(vO + vS)(c + vS)

Δf = fS(vO − vS)/(c − vS)

Δf = fS(vO − vS)/(c + vS)

3. What is the velocity equation with respect to freqeuncy when reflecting a wave off an object moving opposite the x-direction?

vR = −cΔf/(fS + fO)

vR = cΔf/(fS − fO)

vR = −cΔf/(fS − fO)

If you got all three correct, you are on your way to becoming a Champion in Physics. If you had problems, you had better look over the material again.

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Mini-Quiz: Summary of Doppler Effect Equations

Wave Motion topics


Doppler Effect

Sound waves

Electromagnetic waves

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