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Resources on Using Your Senses
by Ron Kurtus (updated 9 February 2022)
The following is a compilation of resources on the field of using your senses. Select an area of interest to see its resources:
- Hearing
- Vision
- Smell
- Taste
- Touch
- Pressure
- Temperature
- Pain
- Synesthesia
- Time
- Fields
- Electrical
- Magnetic
- Gravity
- Books
- Miscellaneous
Use these resources to help your understanding of the material.
Healthy Hearing - Information on dealing with hearing loss
Assistive Technologies for the Hearing Impaired - From Verizon
3 Hearing Loss Types - From Maryville.edu
The Eye and the Sense of Sight - eSchoolToday.com
How Do We See? - AskaBiologist.asu.edu
Visual perception - Wikipedia
Visual system - Wikipedia
Olfaction - Technical description of smell from chemical company
Smell Theme Page - Links to various smell resources
When Doctors Used to Smell - Smelling used in health care
Taste - Wikipedia
What is Taste? - FifthSense.org.uk
Making Sense of Taste - ScientificAmerican.com
Physiology of Taste - ColoradoState.edu
Humans May Taste at Least 6 Flavors - LiveScience.com
(coming soon)
Everyday fantasia: The world of synesthesia - American Psychological Association
Some People Really Can Taste The Rainbow - National Public Radio
Synesthesia Research - University of Sussex (UK)
Synesthesia in Science and Technology - NIH Public Access paper
Synesthesia - Wikipedia
Synesthesia: a colorful word with a touching sound? - Frontiers in Psychology
Brain Areas Critical To Human Time Sense Identified - From Daily University Science News
Theory of subjective time perception - From Halfbakery.com
Time - By Dr. Roy Mathew, Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Professor of Radiology, Duke University Medical School
(Coming soon)
If you have other resources on this subject, let us know about them.
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