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Speech Writing Resources
by Ron Kurtus (updated 9 February 2022)
The following is a compilation of resources on speech writing.
Use these resources to help your understanding of the material.
The Fundamentals of Speechwriting - From Graduate School of Political Management - Georgetown University
Effective Speech Writing - From About.com
How to write a speech - Overview from SpeechTips.com
How To Write A Great Speech: 5 Secrets for Success - Pointers from Forbes Magazine
Speech Topics - Listing of many suggested topics
Speech Samples - From Speechwriting.com, a professional speech writing business
Outliners for speech writers
MindGenius - Business mind-mapping software
Inspiration - A graphical outliner or mind-mapping application aimed at younger students
Mindmapper - Another good mind-mapping tool.
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Speechwriter - Overview of profession from Wikipedia
10 Steps to Writing a Vital Speech: The Definitive Guide to Professional Speechwriting by Fletcher Dean; CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2011)
Speechwriting: The Expert Guide by Simon Lancaster; Hale Expert Guides (2011)
Writing Great Speeches: Professional Techniques You Can Use by Alan M. Perlman; Pearson Publishing (1997)
Use these resources to improve your speech writing.
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